Born and raised in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, I received my doctorate in philosophy in 2004 from Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD). I completed my undergraduate studies (“magister” degree) in philosophy, cultural anthropology and sociology at J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, and my doctoral studies at the Darmstadt-based post-graduate school “Technisierung und Gesellschaft” (Technology and Society). Supervisors were Wolfgang Detel and Alfred Nordmann, respectively. My venia legendi in philosophy was awarded in 2015 by the University of Klagenfurt (AAU).
I was a visiting fellow at the Science Studies Unit with David Bloor, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK in 2001. For the 2003/2004 academic year, I was a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS), Graz, Austria, where I worked on a project on the history of the Darwinan theory of evolution (whose results were published in 2015 at last).
After part-time lectureships at my former universities, I moved back to Graz in late 2005 in order to form the ICT research unit at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (an applied social research institute), together with Matthias Werner, Oana Mitrea and Gerd Schienstock.
In early 2009, I assumed an Assistant Professorship (fixed term) at the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Klagenfurt, supplemented with lectureships at the Department of Philosophy and FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences.
From October, 2013 through December, 2015, I was FWF Erwin Schrödinger-Fellow at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (then MCTS, now STS), TU München, Germany, on invitation by Klaus Mainzer. After my FWF-funded return phase at AAU, I returned to MCTS as a Senior Researcher and Lecturer in late 2016, within the Digital Media Lab (DML). Transitioning to a Research Assistant Professorship at the Department of Philosophy at Warsaw University of Technology (PW) from the end of 2018 onwards, I continued part-time at MCTS until the end of 2020 and DML’s transformation into the STS research group at The European New School of Digital Studies.
I am now entirely based at Warsaw University of Technology, co-founding the Philosophy of Computing Group there with Paula Quinon, Paweł Stacewicz and Adam Kubiak.
In addition to my research and teaching, I co-organised a number of workshops and symposia. The largest of these was the ALWS Symposium 2012, “Ethics – Society – Politics”, with Martin Weiß. The most recent is “Thinking Machines: History, Present and Future of AI“, with Rudolf Seising and Jan Passoth. I also translated Ruth Millikan‘s 2004 book “Varieties of Meaning”, plus some of her essays, into German (for Suhrkamp).